Aptech Gariahat

Airhostess interview mistakes to avoid

Mistakes you should avoid at the time of air hostess interview

The interview with the Cabin Crew is an important element of the application process! It might be demoralizing to fail at such a late stage after all the worry and effort put into an application. In this essay, I’ll go over the top ten blunders candidates make during their cabin crew interviews. Let’s look at some Airhostess interview mistakes to avoid


Airhostess Interview Mistakes to Avoid:


Late Arrival

Throughout your interview, you are being evaluated. What you say and how you say it aren’t the only factors. Body language, personality, attire, and punctuality are all factors considered by recruiters. The airline sector relies heavily on punctuality. Cabin Crew, for example, must be prompt in order for planes to depart on schedule.

Your entrance

While you may be more worried with the questions you’ll be asked and how you should respond, interviewers also pay close attention to how you enter the room. People subconsciously judge you when they first meet you, so making a good first impression is crucial. A handshake will mostly certainly be your initial interaction with your interviewer. Make a solid handshake to demonstrate your confidence and kindness. You should also wait until you are invited to sit down by the interviewer. This demonstrates your interviewer’s regard and decency. Wait until you are informed when and where to sit before jumping into the first chair you see when you enter the room.

Your interviewer’s name escapes you

While you will undoubtedly be nervous during your interview, it is critical that you at least recall your interviewer’s name. Pay attention when they introduce themselves and take down their name. You should call them by their first name a couple times during the interview. This demonstrates respect and that you cared enough to remember it. However, be wary of overusing it.

Negative nonverbal communication

Obviously, what you say is a big component of the interview. However, many people are unaware of the significance of their body language! From the time you come into the room, your interviewer will be subconsciously judging you. And it is this first impression that can make or break you. You must ensure that you make a positive and confident first impression by demonstrating positive and confident body language. To accomplish this, maintain proper posture and avoid slouching in your seat. Hand motions should be kept to a minimum, and comfortable eye contact should be maintained. You might also nod to show you’re paying attention to the interviewer.

Gum chewing and/or smoking

You should not chew gum or smoke during your interview under any circumstances. This includes the time it takes for you to be seen. From the moment you walk in, you are being examined and scrutinized, and chewing or smoking will make a terrible impression. Chewing and smoking demonstrates a lack of respect and makes you appear unprofessional. Gum and smoking are likely to be prohibited for cabin crew on that airline, therefore it’s an automatic no!

Response with a conclusion

Closed-ended responses can make it difficult for the conversation to proceed, even if you give a decent enough answer. Never react with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ This will cut the interview short and cause the interviewer to ask even more questions in an attempt to get you to elaborate. You should add examples and anecdotes to your response!

Inappropriate responses

Giving improper replies is another common Cabin Crew interview blunder. You must ensure that your responses are suitable, professional, and non-offensive. Even if the interviewer presses you, you should never say anything negative about your previous employer or coworkers. Unless the interviewer specifically requests it, you should never discuss your income or benefits. This shows that you are more concerned with the money than with the job itself. You should also refrain from discussing politics or other contentious issues during the interview. On board, these things should never be mentioned. You’ll be dealing with a diverse group of passengers and coworkers with diverse backgrounds and religious beliefs.


To appear impressive, you should never deliver an untruthful answer. Interviewers have conducted hundreds of interviews and are well aware of what a false, generic response sounds like. You should avoid utilizing answers you’ve discovered online because it’s likely that others have looked at the same websites you have. Prepare and think about your replies ahead of time, and make sure you have several distinct instances in mind. However, anecdotes that you come up with on the spot can always lend a little of spontaneity to what you’re saying.

Being too relaxed around the interviewer

If you can reduce the natural uneasiness between the interviewer and the candidate, that’s fantastic. Acting like the interviewer is your best buddy is not a good idea. Throughout the interview, you should establish a rapport with the interviewer. This will show that you can establish rapport with strangers and, as a result, passengers. You shouldn’t, however, be too casual. You are still the candidate and you are still in an interview. Throughout your interview, you should maintain professional limits.

Allowing frustration to surface

Finally, no matter how anxious you are, you must never exhibit your anger. Even if you believe you made a mistake, it is not your place to pass judgement, so just get on with the interview as best you can. Most of the time, the interviewer won’t mind if you make a mistake as long as you recover elegantly and confidently. There’s nothing worse than fumbling through your answers and showing indications of frustration while attempting to rescue yourself. After all, there will be times when you are upset with passengers but must maintain your composure and professionalism as a flight attendant.

Above are some airhostess interview mistakes to avoid.

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